Favourite Links
These links provide useful information and reading materials. Our clients have found them useful.
(Each link takes you to a new window in your browser.)
Budgets & Economic
The link to theĀ federal budget
Summaries and supporting documents for the Alberta budget.
RBC Economic & Financial Market Outlook
RBC Quarterly Economic & Financial Market Outlook - Quarterly
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is responsible for the administration of tax laws, including collecting and assessing taxes for the Government of Canada, and for most provinces and territories.
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance is responsible for economic analysis, budget planning and providing a coordinated and disciplined approach to the management of government spending. The ministry’s key responsibilities include budget development and reporting and tax policy and administration for Alberta.
Books from my bookshelf
The Wealthy Barber Returns - Dave Chilton
Dave Chilton offers his unique perspective on the world of money for Canadians. This is a sequel to his book "The Wealthy Barber".
From Wikipedia: "The Wealthy Barber was published in 1989 and sold over 2 million copies in Canada. The readers of the novel learn along with Tom weekly financial lessons. The Wealthy Barber serves as a common sense guide for the average citizen as a means of properly managing their personal finances. Through simple steps, the novel demonstrates to readers the possibility of monetary comfort and richness. It is a self-help novel that has educated millions on basic procedures necessary to achieve financial independence."
Love and Respect - Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
An excellent book on relationships. Highly acclaimed.
The Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different?
The site for Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) in Canada, which includes the Chartered Accountant (CA) designation.
News sources
The financial section of the National Post